How To Write a Follow-up Email That Car Buyers Cannot Ignore

Brantley Kendall

14 Nov 2022 2 years ago

When you’re selling a car, one of the most important things you can do is follow up with buyers. If you don’t follow up, there’s a good chance that your buyers will simply forget about the car or go buy from someone else. However, if you follow up in the right way, you can increase the chances that they’ll come back to buy from you. In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to write a follow-up email that your existing car buyers won’t ignore. We’ll also provide some tips on how to improve your follow-up process overall.

Start with a Personalized Subject line

A personalized subject line is the best way to get the buyer’s attention and ensure that your email stands out from the rest. By including the buyer’s name or the make and model of the car they purchased, you’ll immediately grab their attention and show that you’re taking the time to focus on their individual needs.

Thank Them for their Purchase

After you’ve grabbed the buyer’s attention with a personalized subject line, it’s important to thank them for their purchase. This simple act of appreciation can go a long way in building rapport and ensuring that the buyer feels valued.

Give Them a brief Overview of what to Expect in their New car

After you’ve thanked the buyer for their purchase, it’s time to give them a brief overview of what to expect in their new car. This is your chance to remind them of all the great features that they’ll be enjoying in their new purchase. Be sure to keep your overview short and sweet so as not to overwhelm the buyer with too much information at once.

Include some tips on how to get the most out of their new car

After you’ve given the buyer a brief overview of their new car, it’s time to include some tips on how to get the most out of their new purchase. This is your chance to provide value and ensure that the buyer knows how to make the most of their new car. Be sure to keep your tips concise and easy to understand so as not to overwhelm the buyer.

Offer a follow-up service

It’s important to offer a follow-up service to the buyer. This could be something as simple as a free car wash or a discount on their next purchase. By offering a follow-up service, you’re showing that you’re committed to providing the best possible experience for the buyer.

Include a coupon or discount for their next visit

In addition to offering a follow-up service, you should also include a coupon or discount for the buyer’s next visit. This will incentivize the buyer to come back and see you again in the future. By including a coupon or discount, you’re showing that you value their business and want to keep them as a loyal customer.

Let them know about upcoming events or promotions

If you have any upcoming events or promotions, be sure to let the buyer know. This is a great way to keep them in the loop and ensure that they’re always aware of what’s going on at your dealership. By letting them know about upcoming events or promotions, you’re showing that you’re invested in their continued business.

Keep it short and sweet

People are busy, and they don’t want to read a long email from someone they don’t know. A short, sweet email will get the point across without taking up too much of the reader’s time. Plus, it shows that you respect their time and are confident in what you have to say. So go ahead and keep your follow up email short and sweet!

Include additional images

If you have additional images of the car or the dealership, be sure to include them in your email. This is a great way to show off your product and give the buyer a visual of what they can expect. By including additional images, you’re giving the buyer a more complete picture of what you have to offer.

Make it easy to unsubscribe

It’s important to make it easy for the buyer to unsubscribe from your email list if they no longer want to receive your emails. If you make it difficult for them to unsubscribe, they’re more likely to mark your emails as spam. By making it easy to unsubscribe, you’re showing that you’re respectful of the buyer’s wishes and giving them the control to decide when they no longer want to receive your emails.

The Bottom Line

Although it may seem like a lot of work to personalize each follow-up email, it will be worth it when you start seeing the results. Keep in mind that your goal is to create a relationship with your customers so that they feel comfortable reaching out to you and doing business with you again in the future. By taking the time to write quality follow-up emails, you’re setting yourself up for success both now and down the road.

Brantley Kendall